Located in Tynehead Regional Park, near the headwaters of the Serpentine River, the Tynehead Hatchery handles four species of salmon annually. The Serpentine Enhancement Society is committed to replenishing and restocking all locally endangered fish species.
Visitors are encouraged to tour the hatchery and learn more about habitat enhancement. Call ahead to book group tours. Contact us at 604-589-9127, or come visit us at 16585 96 Avenue Surrey, BC.
The hatchery is completely volunteer-run, relying on dedicated and knowledgeable citizens to organize and participate in activities such as egg takes and fry releases.

The hatchery is located on prime real estate along the banks of the Serpentine River, and sits on about 2.5 acres of land. The main building, which holds the incubation and hatching tanks, is the largest structure in the park. Nestled among the numerous trees around the building is the Serpentine River itself, offering a very picturesque scene. For a virtual tour of the outside of the hatchery, visit our Pictures page.
Every year, 250 000 salmon are released back into the Serpentine. The ongoing ecological effort is made possible by active volunteers who regularly lead education sessions, workshops, and community enhancement programs. For more information about volunteering, visit our handy Volunteers page.