What is happening at the Hatchery you ask! Thousands of births! People checking the eggs, the fry, the water temperature, water flow and what seems like a thousand other checks, to ensure these fish have the very best chance of making it in the wild and return to us in years to come.
Coho Babies
Our Coho babes are feeling better now. They did well through the egg stage. However, at the beginning of the hatch, a fungal infection decided to take hold. Carol treated the water with salt to knock of the fungus (baby salmon do not mind the salt!) which has looked like it did the job. Carol also slowly raised the water temperature by a couple of degrees to encourage the hatch. This allowed less babes to be affected by the fungus. The temperature is on its way down now. Thought you would like to see a small video of what they are looking like as of today! See attachment.
Please avoid the temptation to open the trays to look at them. They need minimal disturbance at this stage.
Chinook Babies
All at fry stage and growing nicely in the capilano troughs. Thanks to all the volunteers that go in daily to clean and feed them! They should be ready for starting release as of April 1.
Feel free to bring your friends in to see the babes!
Chum Babies
They are now down in one of the Maturing Tanks. They like colder water than what we can give them in the hatchery. If we kept them in the hatchery, they would be ready too soon to go back into the Serpentine.
Take a peek if you are at the hatchery!